View BudgetTracker Lite Samples

BudgetTracker Lite is a FileMaker Pro database designed to manage and track requisitions/PO’s and invoices for allocated budgets. This database is centered around the OCAS (Oklahoma Cost Accounting System). Tracking and reports are based on project, sub account, object, and fund codes. 

The main functions of BudgetTracker Lite are:
•  Budget tracking by project code and sub account.
•  Tracking vendor information and amount purchased from each vendor.
•  Tracking requisitions against budgeted project codes or sub accounts.
•  Tracking invoices approved/paid.
•  Generating reports for budget, requisitions, and expenditures charged to each project code, sub account, and object code.
•  Recording level security for each site created; meaning unlimited number of sites can be created and reviewed with proper access. 

BudgetTracker Lite:
   • Requires FileMaker Pro 13.0 and runs on either Macintosh or Windows operating systems supported by FileMaker Pro 13.0.
   • Can be used as a FileMaker Pro 13.0 database, which requires a single licensed copy of FileMaker Pro 13.0.
   • Can be used for multiple users or as a networked solution..

MacSpec, Inc. is available to assist with customizing the database to fit the individual needs of your school or district. 

We also work on a contract basis to develop and design customized FileMaker Pro databases for network or web base access to resolve your day-to-day data management challenges.

Contact Us for more information!

View BudgetTracker Lite Samples

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Sunday the 9th - Joomla Templates. MacSpec, Inc. • PO Box 720193 • Oklahoma City, OK 73172 • 405-470-1913