MacSpec, Inc. has worked with the following types of businesses in
creating FileMaker Pro database solutions:
- Architects | - Newspapers |
- Art Collections | - Performing Arts Centers |
- Associations | - Pilates Instructors |
- Book Resellers |
- Property Management |
- Cattle Ranches | - Public Schools |
- Churches | - RV Parks |
- Construction | - Screen Printers |
- Dairy Farms |
- Seminar Providers |
- Downtown Renovations |
- Sign Language Intrepeters |
- Lawn Care Services | - Soccer League Management |
- Manufacturers |
- State Universities |
- Medical Research |
- Telephone Directory Companies |
- Membership |
- Thrift Stores |
- Ministries |
- Tour Organizers |
- Museums | - Tribal Nations |
- Music Festivals |
- Truck Brokers |
MacSpec, Inc. has worked with companies from various parts of the country:
- All over Oklahoma | - Hot Springs, AR |
- St Louis, MO | - Wheaton, MD |
- Fort Worth, TX | - Martinez, CA |
- Sherrard, IL | - Murfreesboro, TN |