MacSpec has developed several Filemaker Pro based databases for schools. For pricing information, call us.
Budget Tracker Pro 7.1 Budget Tracker Pro software is designed to assist in maintaining detailed records of requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and vendors. It is a FileMaker Pro 7.0 database that is based around the OCAS accounting codes used by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Information and tracking in this software is centered around three fields: Project Code, Requisition Number and Purchase Order Number. It is a relational database that easily generates report summaries from a single data entry. The main functions of Budget Tracker Pro are:
CUSTOMIZATION MacSpec, Inc. is available to work with your organization to customize the software to fit the individual needs of your school or district. We also work on a contract bases to develop and design customized FileMaker Pro databases for network or web base access to help resolve day-to-day data management challenges.
The main functions of
Budget Tracker Pro are: Technology
Repair Requests
For Schools The activity fund accounting software enables elementary, secondary, and K-12 schools to manage and report information faster and more efficiently. This Filemaker Pro based database is based around the OCAS code of accounting as required by the Okla. State Dept. of Education. It provides for detailed tracking of requisitions, purchase orders, cash disbursement, cash receipts, ISF checks, redeposits, bank reconciliations, outstanding checks, and vendors. Transactions are entered once and will then appear on detailed reports, financial statements, and bank reconciliation worksheets. It will provide information that can be retrieved quickly and accurately. Information and tracking is centered around three fields: Project Code, Requisition Number and Purchase Order Number. The main functions of this database are: Entering and tracking requisitions. This Requisition/PO database is designed to assist in maintaining detailed records of requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and vendors. This Filemaker Pro based database is based around the OCAS code of accounting as required by the Okla. State Dept. of Education. It will provide information from a single data entry that can be retrieved quickly and accurately. Information and tracking in this database is centered around three fields: Object Code, Requisition Number and Purchase Order Number. The main functions of this database are: Entering and tracking requisitions. This employee/monthly leave database is designed to maintain employee data such as hire date, salary, department, and grade. Personal information in the notes field and emergency contacts can also be entered. This Filemaker Pro based database will provide information that can be retrieved quickly and accurately. Monthly Leave information for accrued and used leaves can be maintained on each employee. The main functions of this database are: Record and Track employee information. ![]() FIELD TRIP MANAGEMENT This Filemaker Pro based Field Trip database is designed to assist school transportation departments to maintain records for field trips. It provides for tracking of bus drivers, buses, field trips and billing to various school/dept. A field trip is entered once from the completed trip request form. All other information such as bus driver assignment, driver's time and mileage are all tracked by an automatically assigned field trip number. The main functions of this database are: Entering bus driver information.
All these databases require Filemaker Pro 5.5 or later on either Windows or Macintosh. Windows Macintosh
One of the advantages of these databases is that MacSpec, Inc. can personally customization them to fit the personal needs of each school. If there is something different that your school requires or needs, we will work with you to provide customization of the databases to fit your needs. If none of these databases met your needs, we will work on contract to develop any database that would provide the necessary data and information to meet your school's needs.